This quilt was finished in January of ’23. I took a bunch of photos while working on it to document the process, so I’ll share those here. This will also serve me as a reminder in case I want to do something similar in the future.

The 3D blocks quilt was done in a very similar way to the hexie cat quilt, with the exception that some triangles, the building blocks of hexagons, have certain subdivisions that create the look of hollowed out cubes. The process is pretty straight forward – sew two 2.5″ strips of fabric together, then cut them into triangles, like so:

I used my 3D printed triangle templates, and for this project I also used a rhombus (or diamond, a quadrilateral) template, since there were several instances of triangles of the same color right next to each other that I could’ve done by stitching two triangles together, but why have a seam where it wasn’t necessary? If you would like to 3D print these templates for yourself, you can get the them here. When it comes to the hollow cubes, the process goes something like this:

The isosceles trapezoid shape can be cut before stitching to a triangle, but I instead used the strips and then trimmed them after the seam was done. This isn’t the most precise method, since the length of the wider base of trapezoid wouldn’t be measured but arrived at by trimming, so I would use the interior of the triangle template to draw a triangle showing where the seams need to go, and it turned out that the shapes were as accurate as I needed them to be, with a quarter inch seam allowance all around. At this point a reference image was used to assemble these triangles, and unfortunately the Illustrator file with final design didn’t get saved, but I had a printout which I colored with colored pencils and used as a guide for assembling the strips of triangles.

Once the strips are assembled, I pressed the seams and stitched all the strips together in correct order, as per the reference.

I used crib sized polyfill batting, and plain blue color cotton fabric for backing. The binding strip is a bit more involved to stitch because of zig-zag edges, but other than that, there’s really not much to it. If you would like any more instructions, let me know in the comments.
Finally, here’s the quilt being used: